About Us

Why Join NEBA ?

Neba Network Is A Financial Integrator that Aims To Become The Leading Global Provider Of Comprehensive Wealth Solutions For Financial Services Firms, Advisers And High-net-worth Individuals.


Full Partnership Support

Our Partnership benefits from an established support infrastructure and a committed development strategy. The extent of the support you will receive from NEBA NETWORK is comprehensive, comprising training, compliance, marketing and technical support for everything to do with growing and managing your business.

Confidence in Expertise

Our success as a company is based on the success of our partners, and our set-up is focused on helping you reach your goals. Working with NEBA NETWORK, you can have confidence in the hands-on experience of our professionals. As the leading provider, we are committed to delivering exceptional operational support.

NEBA are part of a PLC

Team PLC's Partnership with Neba: Elevating Your Network Experience

We are thrilled to announce that NEBA has now merged with Team PLC, heralding a new era of enhanced benefits and enriched opportunities for our network members. This powerful alliance signifies not just growth, but also a fortified stability that is quintessential in the financial advisory landscape.

Advantages of Being Part of a PLC:

1) Robust Financial Stability:
With Team PLC’s reputable standing in the stock market, there’s an inherent assurance of strong financial backing. This provides a resilient foundation, allowing for more substantial, secure, and sustainable network operations within the Neba proposal.
2) Increased Transparency and Credibility:
Listed on the London Stock Exchange, Team PLC operates with a level of
transparency and regulatory adherence that boosts credibility. It enhances trust,
establishing a network where professionals can operate with confidence.
3) Shareholding Opportunities:
Partnership with Team PLC unlocks access to shareholding avenues, creating alignment between individual achievements and organizational prosperity. This model nurtures a sense of profound ownership and motivation, ensuring every NEBA Network member is deeply integrated into the fabric of our collective success.

Neba and Team PLC: Redefining Network Excellence:

Merging paths with Team PLC amplifies our vision to cultivate an environment where members flourish amidst robust support and impeccable standards of operational integrity. Our merged entity prioritizes empowering every member, enabling them to navigate their professional journey with autonomy, reinforced by the collective prowess and shared vision of our enriched network. The partnership transcends conventional boundaries, embodying a commitment to fostering a space where every member experiences the pinnacle of support, collaboration, and success.

Our Mission

At NEBA Network, our mission is to empower financial services firms and advisers in a dynamic industry. We foster transparent, trust-based partnerships, aiming to streamline processes, enhance profitability, and prioritize clients’ best interests. We integrate expertise, integrity, and professionalism into our services, striving to be a catalyst for success through innovative solutions and lasting relationships.

Our mission is to be a trusted partner, delivering measurable value and helping our clients achieve their long-term goals while maintaining the highest standards of reliability and transparency.